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Why join a Committee?

Maricopa County Medical Society (MCMS) knows physicians, residents, and medical students are busy people. Yet, its coming together for a collective cause such as organized medicine and the well being of all physicians across the state is why participating in committees is important. 


You don't have to worry about a heavy time commitment as the MCMS Board and staff are currently working ensure your participation is both reasonable and impactful per your other life commitments. 

Policy Committee:

Help review policy issues affecting physicians across Arizona and make recommendations for the MCMS Board to act on.




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Jane Lyons, MD


Policy Committee

DEI Committee:


Help find more ways to ensure physicians are aware of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.


Karyne Vinales, MD


DEI Committee
Public Polic Committee

Public Health Committee:

Help bring awareness to MCMS members on what is happening in public health. 



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Adnan Saithna, MD

Medical Student Committee:

At MCMS medical students from all five medical schools in Maricopa County are represented by a student member of each school. Student representatives from Mayo Clinic, Alix School of Medicine, University of Arizona, College of Medicine - Phoenix, Creighton University, Midwestern University, and A.T. Still University share ideas on how to better support medical students


Why you should join:

  • Share with the committee members better ways to engage medical students across Maricopa County medical schools

  • Share how MCMS can support medical students through different types of engagement throughout the year.

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Samantha Matta, OMS-III

Med Student Committee
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